EU quiz
Choose the correct answer.

Each correct answer is worth 1 point.
Total: 15 points.
1. The euro is divided into 100 ....?
2. In which country of the EU is the euro the official currency?
3. What are the two cities where the European Parliament has its sessions?
4. What’s the motto of the EU?
5. How many members did the EU consist of on January 1st, 1993?
6. When is the Europe Day?
7. Which country is the latest to join the EU?
8. Which of the following countries is not a member of the EU?
9. Which EU country has the highest number of inhabitants?
10. Which EU country has the smallest territory?
11. Which institution is responsible for issuing banknotes within Europe?
12. What is the total population of the EU (approximately)?
13. How many Hungarian representatives are there currently in the European Parliament?
14. When did Hungary join the EU?
15. How many founder members does the EU have?